Has either Christianity or Islám, to take as an instance two
of the most widely diffused and outstanding among the world’s recognized
religions, anything to offer that can measure with, or be regarded as
equivalent to, either the Book of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant or to the Will and
Testament of ‘Abdu’l Bahá? Does the text of either the Gospel or the Qur’án
confer sufficient authority upon those leaders and councils that have claimed
the right and assumed the function of interpreting the provisions of their sacred
scriptures and of administering the affairs of their respective communities?
Could Peter, the admitted chief of the Apostles, or the Imám ‘Alí, the cousin
and legitimate successor of the Prophet, produce in support of the primacy with
which both had been invested written and explicit affirmations from Christ and
Muhammad that could have silenced those who either among their contemporaries
or in a later age have repudiated their authority and, by their action,
precipitated the schisms that persist until the present day? Where, we may
confidently ask, in the recorded sayings of Jesus Christ, whether in the matter
of succession or in the provision of a set of specific laws and clearly defined
administrative ordinances, as distinguished from purely spiritual principles,
can we find anything approaching the detailed injunctions, laws and warnings
that abound in the authenticated utterances of both Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l
Bahá? Can any passage of the Qur’án, which in respect to its legal code, its
administrative and devotional ordinances marks already a notable advance over
previous and more corrupted Revelations, be construed as placing upon an
unassailable basis the undoubted authority with which Muhammad had, verbally
and on several occasions, invested His successor? Can the Author of the Bábí
Dispensation however much He may have succeeded through the provisions of the
Persian Bayán in averting a schism as permanent and catastrophic as those that
afflicted Christianity and Islám—can He be said to have produced instruments
for the safeguarding of His Faith as definite and efficacious as those which
must for all time preserve the unity of the organized followers of the Faith of
- Shoghi Effendi (‘The
Dispensation of Baha’u’llah; included in ‘The World Order of Baha’u’llah’)